
Data Security is an Essential Part of Customer Care

2019-07-02T20:51:12-04:00October 31st, 2016|

Security breaches of confidential data capture the global news headlines on a daily basis. Identity theft has become so commonplace that credit card companies and banks market their protection efforts as free services to their customers. The IRS is at risk too, with impersonators using the fear and authority of the government to prey on [...]

Navigate Business Changes Successfully

2019-07-02T20:51:13-04:00August 24th, 2016|

Change happens. That's especially true in the business world, where changes may be mandated by tax or regulatory requirements, increased competition, shifts in customer needs, or technological advances. Whatever your reason for making a change in your business, managing the process effectively is the best way to succeed. Here are suggestions for handling change. Clarify [...]

Reduce Fraud in Your Business with Prevention Strategies

2019-07-02T20:51:15-04:00June 23rd, 2016|

When it comes to fraud, the old adage about a small amount of prevention being worth a large amount of cure is spot on. Investing in fraud prevention methods can be more cost-effective than spending time and money on clean-up after a fraud has been detected. Here are suggestions to help prevent fraud in two [...]

Use Your Computer to Improve Your Bottom Line

2019-07-02T20:51:15-04:00April 25th, 2016|

Regardless of the current economic outlook or the size of your organization, as an astute business manager, you're always searching for ways to reduce expenses and increase the bottom line. Here are suggestions for using your computer to reduce marketing and operational expenses and help achieve that goal. Take advantage of free advertising. Consider listing [...]